Simple Sketch
Minimum details
Basic muted color
Light grading
Rough lineart

Headshot (Rp.35k / 2$)
Waist up (Rp.55k / 3$)
Full body (Rp.75k / 5$)
Pets only (85k / 6$)
With background (start from Rp.30k / 2$) - depends on difficulty
Full Render
High details
Full grading
Clean lineart
Semi-realistic shapes and textures

Headshot (Rp.55k / 3$)
Waist up (Rp.65k / 5$)
Full body (Rp.95k / 6.5$)
Pets only (105k / 7$)
With background (start form Rp.52k / 3.5$) - depends on difficulty
Landscape / Environment

Have your desired view with simplicity or semi realist style for only Rp.155k / 10$~
Add Ons Price

Additional Props (ex: guitar, flowers, chairs, etc) cost Rp.25k / 1.5$ each.
Additional Expression (with same character & pose) cost 50% from the normal price for each category.
Commercial Use

Promotional art such as commercial profile pics, YouTube thumbnail, banner, paid event, merch, etc. starts from Rp.350k / 35$.
Private only: joki event / me doing your work for contest, etc. Starts from Rp.500k / 45$ above.